Groups to honour community renewable energy champions during Africa week


Ahead of Africa week, and its partners under the AfrikaVuka network are gearing up to award individuals, institutions and organizations that have made significant contributions to building and supporting sustainable, community-centered, equitable, and affordable energy access in Africa.

The initiative which will commence with a public-led nomination exercise, followed by a vetting process to select suitable candidates, will culminate in the delivery of trophies to the honorees during Africa week(May 25 – June 1). The honorees will represent actors who have played a critical role in promoting decentralized, affordable renewable energy projects, advocating for inclusive energy policies, or empowering communities with clean energy solutions in the continent.

The awards underscore the essential role of renewable energy in addressing the dual challenges of energy access and the climate crisis faced by the continent. As Africa suffers escalating impacts of the climate crisis, grassroots groups are not only resisting fossil fuel projects but also driving a renewable energy revolution, igniting hope for a liveable and sustainable energy future for all.

Trophies will be awarded to renewable energy heroes in 10 locations across the continent including Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Senegal, Uganda, Cameroon, Bostwana, Kenya and Tanzania.
